They Don’t Understand My Pitch!: Why Style Matters

They Don’t Understand My Pitch!: Why Style Matters

The Story of Alex: A Startup Misstep

Today we have a great story about business and learning from mistakes.

Enter Alex, an enthusiastic entrepreneur who has developed an innovative health tech device designed to help users monitor and manage chronic pain. Confident in the technology’s capabilities, Alex invested heavily in product development and targeted marketing strategies.

Armed with what they thought was a revolutionary product, Alex arranged a series of pitches to potential investors. Expecting to capture their interest with detailed technical explanations and data-driven performance metrics, Alex focused heavily on the product’s sophisticated technology and potential market disruption.

However, the pitches fell flat. The investors, while initially impressed with the technology, felt disconnected from the presentation. Alex had failed to consider the diverse learning styles of the investors. The presentation was heavily skewed towards reading/writing learners, loaded with dense technical documentation and complex data sheets, but lacking in visual and interactive elements that could engage visual and kinesthetic learners.

Due to this oversight, the pitch did not resonate well. The investors found it hard to grasp the usability and consumer appeal of the product, focusing instead on the overwhelming data and text. The lack of engagement and understanding led to a lack of enthusiasm and, ultimately, a pass on investment.

Reflecting on the feedback, Alex realized the critical error in their approach. They had underestimated the importance of tailoring the pitch to meet the diverse needs of their audience. Recognizing this, Alex sought advice from a mentor who helped them understand the principles of effective communication tailored to various learning styles.

For their next pitch, Alex revamped their approach. They incorporated clear visuals to explain how the technology worked, used storytelling to illustrate the product’s impact on potential users, and brought prototypes for hands-on demonstrations. This time, the pitch was more dynamic and accessible, successfully engaging the investors across all learning styles.

The new, inclusive pitch approach was a success. Alex secured the necessary funding and went on to find greater engagement in future presentations, including at industry conferences and potential customer demos.

Takeaway for Founders

This story underscores the necessity for founders to recognize and adapt to the varied ways people absorb information. By crafting a pitch that is mindful of visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learning preferences, founders can effectively communicate their vision and value proposition, thereby increasing their chances of securing investment and support. This approach not only aids in fundraising but also enhances overall communication with teams, customers, and stakeholders throughout the entrepreneurial journey.


Now there is no need to cut wood with a rusty saw. It takes forever and may just fail outright. So, understanding different learning styles can significantly enhance the effectiveness of pitching an idea. Here’s a look at the primary learning styles and tips on how to tailor a pitch to each:

1. Visual Learners

Characteristics: Visual learners absorb information best when it is presented in a visual format, such as diagrams, charts, videos, and presentations. Pitch Strategy: Use visual aids extensively. Prepare slides with graphics, charts, and visuals that highlight key points. Utilize videos or product demos if possible to make a concrete impression.

2. Auditory Learners

Characteristics: Auditory learners prefer listening to information and learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, and talking things through. Pitch Strategy: Focus on delivering a clear, well-structured verbal presentation. Use storytelling techniques to make your pitch more engaging and memorable. Consider using rhythmic elements or repeating key points to enhance retention.

3. Reading/Writing Learners

Characteristics: This group prefers information displayed as words; this can include reading handouts, emails, and reports. Pitch Strategy: Provide detailed handouts or a written proposal that complements your verbal presentation. Use bullet points, section headers, and summaries to make the material easier to digest and refer back to.

4. Kinesthetic Learners

Characteristics: Kinesthetic learners learn best through doing and experiencing. They prefer a hands-on approach and often benefit from practical demonstrations. Pitch Strategy: Involve physical activity if possible, such as using a product prototype that audience members can try. Create interactive experiences or simulations that relate to the concept being pitched.

Pitching to a Mixed Audience

Often, you will be pitching to an audience composed of multiple learning styles. In such cases, it’s best to integrate elements that cater to all types of learners:

  • Use a blend of visual aids, oral presentation, written materials, and interactive elements.
  • Start with an engaging story or problem statement that captures attention.
  • Use visuals to outline problems and solutions.
  • Provide handouts for detailed review.
  • Incorporate a demonstration or interactive component to engage kinesthetic learners.

By tailoring your presentation to address different learning styles, you can increase the effectiveness of your pitch, ensuring that your audience not only understands but also connects with and remembers your idea.

Now, go try our pitch tool here which will help you confuse less people.

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