A Better Chance to Fundraise

Fund raising is like cutting wood.

Imagine you’re about to saw through a pile of wood. Now, when do you want to sharpen the blade?

At the beginning, as in sooner, or, later in the process?

If you answered sooner then you are about to start fundraising, or you have realized that your project is missing something that is needed for it to success.

This is usually knowledge, support, or management.

Hence, if we sharpened the blade we will have better results.

It’s because of these problems faced by our fellow entrepreneurs that we created the following programs. Now, choose the path that best aligns with your project’s needs and we will customize from there:

The Course:

You prefer to go at it alone, learn at your own pace, and build experience over time in your own way. Well, no worries, the course will be perfect for you.

  • From this it will be obvious how good, or bad, you might be at certain skills that are required.
  • You will have a process you can follow from there and some time with experts on the “why” and how to hook that together.
  • You will have some time to bounce feedback off of 

“We will help you get on your own way sooner than later”

A Better Chance:

You want a higher chance of meeting the right people and getting them on your side of the table, looking at the same thing and excited to be there. As a team, like a picture, we will now put that in the right frame so people appreciate it more. Then, these people will then bring the right time, relationships, and money to the table.

  • We will accomplish this together by getting to know the company, team, and value so well that we can sell it to investors ourselves.
  • We will package the company for different investor types
  • Then when you find prospects, we will learn how to approach them (article here), and then review this during the closing of fundraising deals.

“For those that work well with a team that understands packaging and how to educate an audience this is the best bet.”

It’s Taken Care Of:

You know fundraising has been a struggle or it’s one you don’t want to take on. Now you want to build an expert raising team, and want warm introductions to investors who are willing to hear you out.

  • We will run a full due diligence that we can use with investors and the team.
  • We will then set up a way to “dress you up to the nines” for events, ted talks, and maybe even writing a book.
  • In parallel with that we will set up a prospecting process and then a pipeline to walk investors through.

“If you want it all managed while you participate in the role you are strongest at, then this is best for you.”

Testimonials Speak For Themselves

We have Proven Success:

  • High Chance of Success Raising: Our clients become better at attracting capital for our clients through a robust network and effective strategies.
  • Multiple Startup Transformations: From steering struggling startups to acquisitions, our success stories speak volumes.

Take the First Step:

Now, go try our pitch tool here which will help you confuse less people.

Its hard to explain whats in your head. So, how hard do you want this to be? As fellow Willie Wonka’s that struggled to fit in, you are not alone.

Are you ready to succeed? If you want this sooner than later schedule a call below.

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